Scratched Pong: The Two Players Game
Press the green flag to start.
The blue left panel try to score the red goal and the red panel try to score the blue goal.
Blue controls: Up->W, Down->S
Red controls: Up Arrow Key and Down Arrow Key
Whoever score 10 points win!
Install instructions
Winwar, zip out the game, find sctached-pong exe or app and play.
Press the green flag to begin.
Development log
- Fixed the game. I tried my best!Aug 30, 2023
- Issue on Panels and Goals on Scratched PongAug 18, 2023
- Scratched Pong: Two Players Game Released!Aug 18, 2023
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2023-08-19 ~ 2023-08-30
There was issues that panels was suppose to hit back, but they score because they're too tight to the goal.
I fixed the game and I tried my best.
Kind regards
OnlyWax RW